Follicular Unit Transplant
For years, the strip harvest (FUT) as been the gold standard for successful, contemporary hair transplantation. This technique allows for the movement of a large number of follicular units with minimal transection (traumatic damage) to the grafts. It also allows for harvesting from the most permanent donor zone. Patients should expect a narrow linear scar where the strip is harvested. This scar will be barely visible and easily covered by surrounding hair as long as it is 1/2 to one inch long. Using advanced surgical techniques, we optimize the scar appearance by performing the trichophytic closure. This advanced technique involves removing a tiny ledge of skin along the strip, so that as the hair grows in, it will grow through the scar.
The whole process of strip removal generally takes only 15-20 minutes. After receiving a mild oral sedative, patients are seated in a prone (face-down) position. We trim only the hair to be harvested. Then using vibration to distract, we use a tiny needle to locally anesthetize the area. We remove a strip of hair-bearing skin from the back of the head, and the area is closed with a dissolving suture. As soon as this is done, a temporary dressing is applied and patients may turn over to nap, watch a movie, or watch a relaxing beach/ocean video.
Once the strip is harvested the individual grafts are prepared using bioptic microscopes to assure each natural occurring hair bundle (graft) is safely and accurately dissected to maximize hair growth.
Hair Transplant Cost
Each follicular unit contains 1-4 hairs. These are bound together by a sebaceous glands and tiny muscle called the arrector pili. The percentage of follicular units of each size is determined by your genetics. We do NOT break up follicular units in order to charge you more for a surgery. It takes us the same amount of time to separate follicular unit grafts whether each one contains a single hair or 4 hairs. Most people have a combination of 1,2,3 and 4-hair follicular units.
The cost of hair surgery is dependent on the size of the area being treated, your hair quality and density, and the number of surgeries needed to achieve your cosmetic goals. Most hair transplant procedures cost between $4,000 and $10,000. Some patients may need multiple procedures to achieve desired coverage, or to address new hair loss developing in the future. We advise all hair loss patients to consider medical hair loss therapy in addition to hair transplantation, because it can help boost the results from surgery and prevent ongoing thinning in the surrounding areas. During your comprehensive hair loss consultation with Dr. Rogers, she will present you with treatment options, discuss costs, and provide patient finance options.
This fee includes lunch on the day of the procedure, your post-operative kit, and all follow-up visits for 2 years after surgery. We like to see patients at 1-2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months after your procedure. We are happy to change your dressing the day after surgery as well. (see FAQ: Post-operative instructions)